Friday, December 5, 2008

New things...

Well, today we learned that Mackenzie is having "breath holding" episodes every couple of days. Her oxygen levels drop into the 60s and 70s and she sometimes requires a little stimulation from the nurses to bring them back up. They are not all that concerned due to her age, but we are still unsure as to when she will be able to come home. It's looking more and more like an apnea monitor will be coming home with her too. Other than that, things are going great. She is eating well, gaining weight, and maintaining her temperature well. Today she weighed 5lbs 4oz!!!! The pictures above are taken by daddy. He was feeding her and let go of her bottle for a second and up went her hands to make sure she did not miss a drop!!!! It was so cute, luckily we had a cell phone there to snag a picture :-)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Oh my word, the one of her holding her bottle is so adorable. She's getting some chunky cheeks too!
We'll be praying she comes home healthy with or without monitors.