Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bath...and Chair

This is a picture of my new glider my mom and dad got me. I am so excited it is finally here, I ordered one online about 3-4 weeks ago and recently found out it was on back order until the end of January. So, not wanted to wait until then, I cancelled that order and ordered it from another website...and here it is!!!!!!!!

Here is Mike working hard to get it put together :-)

Well, our latest discovery is that Mackenzie manages to poop and pee outside of her diapers at times!!! She has been wearing newborn sized diapers, but today I had to break down and buy some premie diapers. They say that they fit up to 6lbs and she is almost there so I was trying to make due with the ones I already had, but she made it very clear this morning that they are a little too big. As a result she got "hosed" off in our bathroom sink!!!!!

She was not happy that daddy wanted to take pictures of her at that moment...she was naked for goodness sake :-)

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