Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just a few updates...

Mackenzie is still progressing well. She still is not taking all her feeds by mouth yet, but she continues to do better everyday!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

More Updates...

Mike has done a great job keeping up with some pics for the page, but I'm sure people want to know what's going on these days :-)

Yesterday (Sunday) she came out from under the phototherapy lights, they will check her bili level again this morning to make sure she doesn't rebound. She is feeding pretty well, she is handling 25ml every 3 hrs by mouth!!!!!!!!! She is off of the TPN (IV nutrition) and only on IV fluids now. Her blood sugars are hanging around 50, I would like to see them up a little, but the doctor said it would happen when she starts eating a little more!!! She is also off of the medicine she was on the help her pancreas regulate her sugars, so she is on her own!!!! We are taking baby steps but at least they are forward and not backwards!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Okay...where to start :-) Mackenzie was born at 1:56pm on Monday afternoon. She had a lot of trouble breathing when she came out so she was rushed to the N.I.C.U. and put on the ventilator. Her blood sugar was only 12 (normal is about 40), but they were not suprised by that because of the fact that I have diabetes. She was taken off the vent on Tuesday morning around 11, and has been breathing on her own since then. Her blood sugar has stabalized and she took her first feed today. She has a feeding tube in her mouth but hopefully that will come out soon. Long story short, so far so good. Mackenzie seems to be ajusting well, and mommy is catching up!!!

Mackenzie Brooke Collins

11/17/08 Weight: 4 lbs 13oz Length: 20inch Time: 1:56pm
Details Coming

Sunday, November 9, 2008

30 weeks....

Here are a few more pics...we also have Mackenzie's room put together!!!!!!!!!! I went to the dr the end of last week and he is pleased with our progress. Although my feet still look awful, my BP is much better which is what's most important right now!!! In a few weeks, I will be going to have stress-tests done twice a week. As of now, they are looking at inducing me either the last week of December of first week of January as far as things go as planned :-)

30 weeks....