Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I know it's been awhile :-)

Look how big I'm getting!!!!!!

Check it out, I have a "fat roll"!!! Mommy was very excited about that :-)

Here I am after a long day at the doctor's office.....PASSED OUT :-)

Now for some updates. We went to see the ENT on Friday, he is going to cut her tongue when she is about 6 1/2 months old. If we did it now, we would have to spend the night at the hospital for her to recover from the anesthesia (because of her age) and it's not causing any feeding issues at this time, so we will wait.
We also went to the neurologist on Monday. (She has a small cyst in her brain). They are not very concerned about it, it should go away on it's own. There are two kinds, one that will go away or at least stay the same size and not cause any problems. The other kind could be an issue, if she hits her head just right, it could bleed out. So until we have an MRI, we don't know for sure which kind it is. So next week, we get to have an MRI done so we know for sure!!!!
So, as you can see it's been crazy around here...trying to get everything scheduled around my work schedule. When we were there on Monday, she weighted in at 9lbs 8oz and she is now 22 inches long!!! I can't believe how fast she is growing!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW...what a week for all of you.I'm sure all will be fine as God is watching over her so well. I will keep all of you in my prayers. I know the unknown is sometimes the hardest to deal with.
You are right about how fast she is growing. Just as beautiful as ever. Keep up the good work mom and dad.
Love to all,
Aunt Linda