Thursday, December 24, 2009


Well, I don't have any pictures right now because I have not had internet at my house. But as most of you know, we recently moved into our new home!! It is absolutely wonderful!! The house is a MESS...Mike knocked down one of our bedroom walls and then in Mackenzie's room there was some mold we had to take care of!! So, it's kind of hectic right now, still living out of boxes and sleeping on our mattress on the living room floor, but it is OURS!!!!!
We all have been sick, Mike is by far the worst. He was begging for a trip to the hospital the other morning...but I made him hold out to go to the dr office when they opened. He has a nasty upper respiratory infection, but is now on antibx and doing a little better. Mackenzie is starting a new daycare on Monday, we are not happy with the one she is at now. It is a little more expensive, but necessary for her to change!!!
We are going to my mom's for Christmas this year and are very excited to see how Mackenzie will react. Last year she was only 4 weeks old for Christmas and was fresh out of the NICU, so she really didn't get to do much!!! We are very excited to share the holidays with family this year since we missed last year!!!!

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