Tuesday, October 20, 2009


We went to Lakeland over the weekend for a friend's wedding and to see family! Saturday, we went to Brandenton to the Pumpkin Festival...here are a few of the pics I got while we were there. It just so happened to be Mackenzie's 11 month bday ;-) on Saturday, so I am using the pumpkin pic for her 11 month shot!!!

Mylee and Mackenzie!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Light the Night

Here is a random picture I got one afternoon while we were out looking at houses.

We walked for the Light the Night benefit tonight. It is a mile walk and the money raised by the walkers goes toward research for the Children's Cancer Foundation. The walk starts downtown at the Meyer Ampitheater...so of course on stage they had a DJ...therefore, that is where Mike was before and after the walk started!!! Here is a pic I got before we left.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New foods

Well, lately Mackenzie has not been to excited about babyfood. I have always made her babyfood at home, the store bought stuff is gross!!! She wants what Mommy and Daddy have, she is very independent!! So, last night I cooked some ground turkey, sweet potatoes, squash, and zuccini. I cut the potatoes into cubes and cooked the squash/zuccini alot to make them really mushy. She loved it!!!! She made quite a mess, but none the less she ate every last bite!!
Here are some pics I got while she was eating :-)