Well, Mackenzie had ANOTHER doctor's appt today. Today we went to the Pulmonology doctor to get her monthy Synagis (sp?) injection. For those of you who don't know, Synagis is a drug given to premature babies to help reduce the risk of them getting RSV. I learned something about doctor's office scales today too. Earlier in the week, Mackenzie was 7.4lbs on the scale, which I assumed that meant 7lbs 4oz. I was wrong, it meant she was 7.4 pounds which calculates out to be 7lbs 9oz. So she has been a little bigger than I thought, and today she weighed in at 7lbs 13oz!!!!!! She has gained 3lbs since birth and is right on schedule. She should gain an average of 30 grams/day, and we calculated today that she has gained 29.7 grams/day since discharge from the hospital. Overall, she is doing wonderful. We got rid of the apnea monitor today, but got a home nebulizer. It's not for anything now, but the doctor wants in on hand with all of this weather change...if she starts to show signs of congestion, coughing, etc...he wants us to use it right away to try to keep her out of the hospital. I don't have any pics now, but I promise to post some soon!!!!