Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend at Papa and Nana's house

Mackenzie and I went to Lakeland over the weekend to suprise Nana for her Birthday!!! Daddy couldn't come because he had to work, we had a good time though. Lindsie brought Mylee by to meet Mackenzie and we snapped a few pics...she is so cute and I can't believe how big she is getting. We can't wait for the girls to grow together and hopefully will be as close as Lindsie and I are.

Sitting in my "big girl" seat...not so bad (for the moment anyway)

All dressed up and waiting on everyone else to go to Tampa...wonder what's taking them so long????

Naked on the couch watching some television and waiting for mommy to bring me clothes because I decided to poop all over the one's I had on :-)

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Here are a few random pictures Mike took the other day...too funny!!

Some of her "firsts"

Here is Mackenzie dressed and ready to go to her "first" day at her new daycare. She is going once/week to keep her spot so when I start back to work (in 3 weeks) she and the sitter will be comfortable with each other and I can go to work and not stress out about how she is doing. She is going to a home daycare which now only has 4 kids (including Mac) and the women is very nice and takes great care of my angel!!!!

Saturday we went to Lucas's 1st birthday party... and Mackenzie's "first" birthday invite!!!

Here is Lucas opening the present Mackenzie got for him!!!!

Here is Mike taking Mackenzie on her "first" slide. As you can see, she didn't show very much interest, but she will one day!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

News from the doctors...

Well, Mackenzie had ANOTHER doctor's appt today. Today we went to the Pulmonology doctor to get her monthy Synagis (sp?) injection. For those of you who don't know, Synagis is a drug given to premature babies to help reduce the risk of them getting RSV. I learned something about doctor's office scales today too. Earlier in the week, Mackenzie was 7.4lbs on the scale, which I assumed that meant 7lbs 4oz. I was wrong, it meant she was 7.4 pounds which calculates out to be 7lbs 9oz. So she has been a little bigger than I thought, and today she weighed in at 7lbs 13oz!!!!!! She has gained 3lbs since birth and is right on schedule. She should gain an average of 30 grams/day, and we calculated today that she has gained 29.7 grams/day since discharge from the hospital. Overall, she is doing wonderful. We got rid of the apnea monitor today, but got a home nebulizer. It's not for anything now, but the doctor wants in on hand with all of this weather change...if she starts to show signs of congestion, coughing, etc...he wants us to use it right away to try to keep her out of the hospital. I don't have any pics now, but I promise to post some soon!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2 months

Well, yesterday Mackenzie got her 2 month vaccinations. It was harder to deal with than I thought :-) It's a whole new world when it's your kid screaming. Anyway, she's doing okay with them so far. She is experiencing some vomitting from the rotovirus vaccine, but hopefully it will be over soon. She is up to 7lbs 4oz and 21.5 inches long!!! She is doing great, a little behind schedule with her milestones, but not suprisingly because technically she is still supposed to be inside of mommy's tummy :-) She will catch up, we just have to be patient.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hanging out with dad

Lounging on the couch with dad on Saturday afternoon :-) I got my ducky outfit on that Nana bought me!!!!!


We took Mackenzie to Gator Dockside to watch the National Championship game on Thursday night. It was really loud and exciting, but Mackenzie slept right threw it all!!!! How lucky was that first shot I took of her and Mike in front of the big screens after the game!!!!!! The back drop happened to be Tim Tebow :-)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

This one is for Papa...

Getting ready to watch the Gators win their 2nd National Championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one is for Nana...

Here you go Nana...Thanks for the clothes you bought me (a month and 1/2 ago!!!). I can FINALLY fit into them :-)
Love you...Mackenzie

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New pics...

Mommy finally got a little smile out of her!!!!!

Here are pics of Mackenzie sleeping in her crib Papa built. It was a sad night for mom, but we are all sleeping a little better these days. Before you know it she will have her back pack on for school :-(

Bath time

As you can see, Makenzie's not too excited about taking a bath!!!!

This is Mackenzie right before she pooped all over my dad and her outfit, which in return got herself a bath....see above :-)

This is daddy's new gun!!!!! My dad got it for him for Christmas, got to have something to scare away the boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My parents came to spend New Year's with us since we were unable to go to Lakeland for Christmas. Below are some pictures my dad took of Mackenzie :-)

Passed out on the couch, mommy was out getting her hair done, so Mac got to spend some one on one time with Papa.

Papa had a photo shoot with Mackenzie, how fun!!!!!!!

I had to get a few pics of my parents with Mackenzie, although she was not really in a photo taking mood :-)

Last but not least, we finally got a picture of the new family......Mike, Katie, and Mackenzie!!!!!